Paris Houk 9 years old

Paris Houk 9 years old

Paris 8 years old

Paris 8 years old

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Paris is home

 I think the whole experience is sinking in finally. Paris is adjusting to having a tube in her stomach. I feel like I have a hospital hangover. The phone will not stop ringing, nurses,therapist,neighbors,  and supply coming and going. I want my life back. I'm still convinced God has mistaken me for that mom that has 19 kids and counting. Nathan had a panic attack yesterday but is in denial. Its pretty overwhelming. Paris' pump goes off quite a bit at night. The line keeps getting kinked. Last night our underground dog fence broke so it was beeping. I go running to Paris room to adjust her pump but its not beeping. After freaking out for a bit I finally realized it was not her pump being possessed. I guess it due to not sleeping in 10 days. Nathan is handling it much better except for the panic attack he had yesterday. Christmas is coming and I still can not get into it. I feel like I just lost 10 days of my life. We got a tree it's like 2 feet tall because that's all we could handle due to unexpected circumstances. Paris is in more pain than I thought she would be. She is tough little trooper. Jamie has become her nurse and loves to tell me I'm doing everything wrong. Brandon is Brandon. Eat, sleep, make parents mad, facebook, then do it all over again. I was warned about the teenage years by my mother. I always thought she was just over exaggerating her experience with me. My dad told me once that his mother said someday you will get one like yourself, he told me Brandon is that one.

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