Well were in the hospital again. I guess it ok since it has been 6 years. It's alot different this time but things stay the same for the most part. They have a new way of giving meds which requires a scanning gun (like at the wal-mart check out). That is pretty amazing how the computer scan the meds and makes sure they are right and if there could be any interactions with other meds. She is pretty amazing how she can handle so much pain. They have 3 ideas what could be wrong 1. being not so bad and 3 be cancer. So were alittle on the edge right now. We spent thanksgiving with her in the hospital so we could all be together. It was fun, but I'm very ehausted from all this. She has been giving a transfusion due to her blood count being so low. Were going to have a boon marrow test today and from my understanding should have some answers from that. Paris has figured out the room service and is using it quite offened. I think she is actually enjoying her stay more than most. Her eating habits are the same. Eat, puke and eat what she likes. We are used to it but the nurses find it quite amazing. She does look a little better after the transfusion but her face is still very swollen. I absoluty love her doctors!! Her blood doctor (Dr.Bradeen) was playing I SPY with her yesterday. She a true angle from God to children. Dr. Bradeen says " she wishes there were no holidays so she could get more done". If that does not make you feel like she getting the best care in the world Nothing will!! As for me and Nathan were trying to stay as positive as posibly and be thankfull for what we do have NOT what we would like to have. My theory on life is accept what life is not what it could be, and laugh alot!!!!! Don't get me wrong I'm pulling my hair out as I write this but with a smile on my face. On a more serious note we do Pray alot and asked God to help the doctors have the wisdom needed in this time of uncertinty. We do ask others to Pray. Prayer has a power that can defy the unknown. I Belive that God has a plan and I do trust him unconditionaly.
This is a documentary of Paris Houk living with short bowel syndrome and malabsorption secondary to bowel resection due to ileal atresia at birth. Because of surgical removal of most her small intestine, she is unable to digest and absorb food normally. This resulted in the need of nutritional support of (TPN)and enteral feeding through a tube in her stomach. At the age of four she was able to have the central line removed and was completly dependent on enteral feeding of Petaman Jr.
Paris Houk 9 years old
Paris 8 years old

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