Here is Paris' personality in a nut shell. I always loved her small but strong smile. Yesterday Paris got her first of many B-12 shots, ouch what a mean shot. It must go deep into a muscle. We spent most of the day in the room that Ronald McDonald provides, so next time you go through the dive through and throw change in we thank you!!! I spent most of the time on the computer researching B-12 deficiencies and Paris was next to me coloring. Despite the doctors always telling me to not Bing (search engine) everything It gives me some weird sense of relief and annoys the doctors at the same time. I'm good at that. The conclusion I came to after 4 hours on the web was truly one of my best. So when Doctor Damico came in I was ready to impress. I asked about a certain test I had been researching and pretty much told him I figured out what makes a person hungry. If we could figure out why Paris has no hunger we could fix it, or so I thought. He was really great instead of just completely demoralizing me he just told me politely that the test was for obese people that can not stop eating. OK, I moved on as fast as I could to my next question, trying not to show my embarrassment. If any thing, all my crazy ideas and questions seem to keep the doctors on their toes. I think I actually amused him for a brief second. Anyway back to the update of Paris. She looked horrible when I first arrived but after a cold shower and about 3 cheerios we got her dressed, hair done and she wanted to walk around. She has to wear a mask because her white bloods cells are so low. So we walked around the hall a couple times looking for other children to see if they could play. It's a very depressing place to be honest. You really have to work hard to stay positive. All you hear is children crying and monitors going off and nurses and doctors talking. Maybe that's what I hear anyway. We found a radio in the play room and put on Christmas music and Paris found a game to play. I went in search of coffee. Dr. Bradeen's partner Dr. Holmans came in and told us that he is going to be Paris' blood doctor for the next week. It's hard having so many doctors. I feel like a broken record.
Nathan is at home today with all the other kids. We are taking turns with seeing Paris. That way one can go to the hospital and rest and the other can stay home and go crazy. He went to Walmart yesterday with all three. I'm really impressed. The baby ( Quinn) only had one melt down and tore down every single string cheese Walmart had. It's pretty bad when every time you go to a store you hear the "clean up on lane 4" more than once. My motto is 3 strikes or (lanes in our case) and we usually leave. Don't even bother trying to clean up Quinn is way to fast for that. When you get home you think your safe but that's when you discover you left a bag or debt card. It's pretty bad when Walmart workers actually know you and put your stuff in the costumer service knowing we'll be back in 20 minutes. You know what I do NOT understand is why any Sam's club workers would want to ever try and sell me an upgrade on my card. Do they not hear the screaming 2 year old or the hand flapping 13 year old? Are they blind to the bags under my eyes, hair all ratted and my complete lack of patience? I am not very graceful or nice while shopping. So to sum it all up Paris is a trooper and we are surviving.
Hey there Karla, thanks for writing this. It's nice to be informed about what's going on w/ you guys. LOVE the photos of Paris. She's such a beautiful girl, inside and out. Enjoyed your bits of humor in an otherwise difficult time. You and your family are an inspiration. Please tell me know we can pray. Love, linda