Have you ever heard the saying "How do you eat an elephant?" I have many times. Although its obvious one bite at a time. I have come to the conclusion that we should NOT eat an elephant. Why an elephant anyway and not an ant? Ants are full of protein and easy to swallow. If you think about it why not let God swallow the elephant and I'll eat the ant. That's what He wants us to do anyway. I think we make life much harder that it was originally designed for. We make mountains out of mole hills and wonder how am I going to do this. When times in my life are hard or painful. I have always been able to get through it. Becoming stronger and wiser. If this is true than why not accept what is in front of you and have fun. Well because we see an elephant not an ant.
This is a documentary of Paris Houk living with short bowel syndrome and malabsorption secondary to bowel resection due to ileal atresia at birth. Because of surgical removal of most her small intestine, she is unable to digest and absorb food normally. This resulted in the need of nutritional support of (TPN)and enteral feeding through a tube in her stomach. At the age of four she was able to have the central line removed and was completly dependent on enteral feeding of Petaman Jr.
Paris Houk 9 years old
Paris 8 years old

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